🚚 Spedizioni Gratuite ✅Garanzia 24mesi ✔️Contrassegno ♻️Assistenza

Since 2011...Woody has gone Door to Door and walked probably a distance of Adelaide to Darwin ...speaking to People about "Carbon Emission Offset"... Today!.. for Future Generation's...Tomorrow!

WHY...because he has a Bucket List of things to do while he is here...on Planet Earth...

-He loves his Children (2Girls+1Boy) and wants to leave a Legacy to them and future Generations to come!

-A heart felt "Tribute" to his younger Brother🌞DARREN💢 (our AMBASSADOR for Charity & Fundraising)... who struggled and passed away from Leukaemia... when they were only Children! (see...Darrens picture in our Logo... "He is the Sun and it's Life Giving Ray's of Sunshine... for future Generation's of all living Beings on our beautiful Planet Earth :)

-Put his talents of Creation to a specific Business Goal and Product that will benefit all of us... every living being for our PLANTS,PLANET&PATIENTS!

Plus...as he is older now and more settled in his beliefs... he believes that their is a real threat to our lifestyle as the Population of Humans is in the Billions and Water Shortages, Growing Food, repairing our ECO SYSTEM have become real threats...there is always another problem to tackle...but...he has decided that being this is our only Home at the moment...let's fix our Backyard... our PLANET EARTH!

WOODY says...

As an Aussie/Larrikin/Dad growing up in Australia... (our "Lucky Country" Down-Under) ...we have been protected from Wars and Conflicts around the Planet ( unless You were in the Forces)... the hidden enemy is Now... rising temperatures and droughts... that have been so erratic... farmers and producers are experiencing Changes that have either Shortened their Seasons or made them Later etc...People I have spoken too over the years are just as confused with some People on the fence of what we should do...Personally until their is a Machine that takes Carbon out of our Atmosphere and runs on Air or Water...the best solution at the moment is to "Plant some Tree's"...all over the Planet- Mother Nature can fix this with our Help!

* EXAMPLE...Why Not Grow Your Own...Christmas Tree in a Pot?...leave it outside for 50 weeks of the year and give it a spray with water to clean it... then bring it inside by a window of Natural light for 2 week's before Christmas Day and Decorate the Tree ( a living ,breathing, family tree) NOT PLASTIC + NOT CHOPPED DOWN!

*I know that we have a lifestyle that is comfortable...Processed Food, Plastic Containers all the luxurys we want at our finger tips...we may Not be able to currently replace all of this...But... steps are happening "Now" to Change things for the Better... in the future...Organic Product Solutions are a Great Step in the right direction imagine how much waste we can put back to use...

And...finally I believe in the "Spirit" inside of me... call it a Gut feeling...if You like!... But... we all have this life to make our own decisions... and this is Mine! (see "Background Epiphany Picture" BEHIND THIS TEXT- Burning Crosses + BODY with Crown of thorns being Lifted Up by 3x Sky Ropes) *This happened to me in Gawler S.A January 2017...those of You who have had an experience like this will know what I mean...*It felt like...a Blessing was given to Me and P,P&P..🙏 thankyou,thankyou,thankyou💢SPIRIT

*Thanks for taking the time to read my message...One good thing that has come out of this COVID19 dilemma... is it has Reduced the "Carbon Output" of Emissions around our Planet:)...if only for a brief time...:(

...regards WOODY!

God Bless💢🌏🌞🌱👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🚮♻️



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